Google and Facebook Ads campaigns

We create and manage your SEM campaigns to optimize and increase sales
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With SEM management, you only pay for results

PPC (Pay Per Click) and SEM, both through Google Ads (Google, websites and Youtube), and Facebook Ads (Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp) is the fastest way to get sales

Google Ads is an online advertising model based on Pay Per Click (you only pay for the visits we get on our website, not for the number of impressions of our ad or visibility).

It is a model fully focused on results that also allows us to account for them in detail and, therefore, has become the leading advertising tool which concentrates more investment volume in the online channel.

How do we manage SEM?

Launching an Ads campaign is practically immediate, although the configuration options that Google puts at our disposal make the whole process somewhat complex. In-depth knowledge and constant attention are necessary to succeed in extracting a good return on our investment and, for this reason, there are accreditations and specific professional profiles to manage this type of actions.

google ads facebook campaigns
management of google ads and facebook ads

And where do we direct traffic from the ads?

There are no technical requirements for the website to be promoted beyond its correct operation. However, many times success is determined by having or not havinga good landing page (landing page) for each of the defined ad groups and for subsequent web analytics and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) work. It is essential that our strategy in Google Ads is synchronized with our SEO strategy to maximize the efficiency of our efforts and return on investment.


Google Partner

Artic Agency is one agency accredited by Google. We have a team specialized in Ads campaigns. In addition, our way of working is completely transparent to the client and is aimed at maximizing conversion.