Web Analytics

Google analytics, google tag manager, semrush... FIND THE ANSWERS YOU NEED
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We help you know where your website users come from, how and what they do

Web analytics is essential to know the results of the work done, both on your website or e-commerce, as in all other online marketing

All the projects and actions we undertake online must be strongly based and oriented to web analytics. Web analytics determine the effectiveness of our communication or marketing efforts and allow us to maximize the return on our investment.

Thanks to the ability to collect and present data from the web, analytics helps improve business performance. Web analytics consists of monitoring, measuring, analyzing and reporting web data. Its purpose is to help understand the origin, the behavior and the intentions of the visitors.

Web analytics management

The creation of a web analytics plan can help us know our audience, know how our marketing actions work, and evaluate the performance of our sites and content. And with a tool like Google Analytics we will have an incredible ability to parameterize specific measurements on your basic reporting structure: audience reports; acquisition; of behavior; conversion; i customized reports and dashboards.

web analytics
Semrush web analytics

And what is achieved?

In web analysis it is essential to clearly define conversion goals, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), data collection methodology, personalized metrics, reporting... But, above all, it is essential to establish a work guideline that allows us to transfer all this analytical effort to concrete actions on our website and ours online marketing.

At Artic Agency we have a very pragmatic view of the role that web analytics should play in organizations. Measuring is not an end in itself. We measure to act, which is why we simplify reports and processes to allocate the maximum possible effort to the implementation of improvements.

We are official partners of…

Google Tag Manager


At Artic Agency, we use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to centralize and manage tags and scripts for web analytics.

The process includes the following stages:



We create a GTM account for each client and configure it according to the project.


We integrate the GTM code into the client's website, adding code snippets to the header and footer.


We set up specific tags, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads or Facebook Pixel.


We create custom scripts to determine when and how tags fire.


We perform testing and debugging to ensure that tags and scripts work correctly.


We publish and monitor the tags and scripts on the client's website, adjusting them if necessary.



At Artic Agency, we use Semrush, a powerful web analytics and SEO tool, to improve our clients' digital marketing strategies.

We are one of the only SemRush Partners in Spain.

Semrush helps us perform various tasks, such as:


Keyword analysis

Semrush allows us to research and identify relevant and competitive keywords for the client's business. This helps us optimize content and plan paid advertising campaigns.

Analysis of the competition

With Semrush, we can analyze competitor websites, identify their SEO and PPC (pay-per-click) strategies, and determine opportunities to outperform them in organic and paid positioning.

Website Audit

Semrush helps us analyze the SEO status of the client's website and identify technical issues that could affect performance, such as broken links, crawling issues, duplicate content, etc.

Positioning monitoring

We use Semrush to track keyword positioning in search engines, allowing us to adjust SEO and PPC strategies and maximize organic and paid traffic.

Backlink analysis

Semrush allows us to analyze the backlink profile of the client's website and identify opportunities to gain quality links that improve their domain authority and organic positioning.

Content creation

Semrush provides us with data on relevant trends and topics, helping us create quality content and optimize it for selected keywords.

Google Analytics


At Artic Agency, we use Google Analytics, a free and powerful web analytics tool, to measure and analyze our clients' website traffic and optimize their digital marketing strategies.

Google Analytics allows us to perform various tasks, such as:


Website traffic analysis

Google Analytics helps us understand traffic volume, traffic sources (organic, paid, referral, social, etc.) and visitor behavior on the client's website.

User behavior study

We may analyze the behavior of visitors to the website, including the most visited pages, average duration of sessions, bounce rate and navigation paths.

Audience segmentation

Google Analytics allows us to segment our audience based on different dimensions, including demographics, geographic location, interests, device and browser.

Analysis of conversions and goals

We set up specific goals in Google Analytics to measure conversions, such as purchases, newsletter subscriptions, resource downloads, etc., and analyze the performance of marketing campaigns.

Integration with other Google tools

Google Analytics can be integrated with other Google tools, such as Google Ads and Google Search Console, to optimize paid advertising campaigns and improve SEO strategy.

Personalized reports and alerts

With Google Analytics, we can create custom reports for our customers, including key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to their business, and set up alerts to notify us of significant changes in traffic or user behavior.