Tabor Group: Web design and SEO

taborgroup web design madrid

The company Tabor Group is a leading Spanish company in luxury transport, with extensive experience in the sector. Their clients range from individuals to businesses in need luxury transportation for meetings and corporate events. Recently, the agency Artic Agency was hired to design, convert and optimize for SEO its website.

In this article, the different aspects of the web design project, conversion and SEO that was carried out for the Tabor Group website.

Web design

The web design was the first stage of the project. The main objective was create a design that is attractive, easy to navigate and that represented the Tabor Group brand. Artic Agency conducted a study of the competition, potential customers and market trends to achieve an effective design.

The result was one modern, attractive and simple design. The company's corporate colors were effectively incorporated into the design to achieve harmony between the page and the brand.


The second stage of the project was the conversion. The main objective was get a web page that generates conversion. Artic Agency optimized the page to ensure that visitors could become customers. This was achieved through clear website structure, effective use of calls to action and implementation of contact forms.

The result was a web page that was not only attractive, if not which also converted visitors into potential customers.


The third stage of the project was theoptimization for SEO. The main goal was to get the Tabor Group website appear in the first places of the search engines. Artic Agency conducted a keyword study to ensure that the Tabor Group website was positioned correctly in search engines.

A complete technical SEO task was carried out, adjustments were made to the content, structure and backlink strategy to improve the ranking and visibility of the web page. The result was a significant improvement in the positioning of Tabor Group's website in search engines.

In summary, the Artic Agency agency carried out a project of web design, conversion and SEO for the website from Tabor Group that resulted in an attractive, easy-to-navigate, converting website with a significant improvement in search engine positioning. This contributed to Tabor Group's improved image and presence online, more potential customers and an increase in its luxury transportation operations.

In short, the web design, conversion and SEO project that Artic Agency carried out for Tabor Group's website was a success. The agency succeeded in creating a modern and attractive design that represented the Tabor Group brand, and optimized the page for conversion, ensuring that visitors become leads. In addition, SEO optimization significantly improved the visibility and positioning of the website in search engines, contributing to the improvement of Tabor Group's online presence and the increase of its potential customers.

This project demonstrates the importance of effective web design, conversion and SEO optimization for a company's online presence. If a web page is not optimized for conversion and is not visible in search engines, business opportunities are lost. It is important to work with professionals in web design, conversion and SEO to ensure that a company's website is effective and generates conversion.

Why trust Artic Agency for web design?

Artic Agency is a web design agency with a great experience in the sector. Its professionals are specialists in web design, conversion and SEO, and are up to date on the latest trends and technologies in the sector.

Its working methodology is personalized and focused on the needs of each client, with the aim of creating a website that reflects the brand image, is effective in conversion and has effective SEO optimization.

In addition, Artic Agency offers its clients a comprehensive web design service, which includes web page design, programming, content management and optimization for SEO, among other services. This means that clients can trust an agency that will take care of the entire web design process, from technical aspects to content management.

Finally, Artic Agency has a wide portfolio of satisfied customers who evaluate the quality of their services and yours ability to face complex and demanding projects. This demonstrates their ability to offer effective results tailored to each client's needs.

For all these reasons, Artic Agency is a safe and reliable option for any business looking for effective web design, conversion and SEO.

Contact us to request your free consultation.


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