Larcier Intersentia: Magento web design

Magento web design

The new face of the legal online bookstore.

Larcier Intersentia is one specialized company in the edition and distribution of legal and legal books and documents at an international level. With a wide range of products, from books on civil law to practical manuals on labor law, Larcier Intersentia is a reference in the world of online bookstore

But with increasingly fierce competition in the market, Larcier Intersentia he realized he needed one renewal in its online platform for stand out and be competitive. Thus, he trusted Artic Agency for the creation of a new online store using the Magento platform.

The challenge was enormous, as one had to be created online store able to serve a very specific audience, with very specific needs and requirements in the legal world. But Artic Agency was up to the challenge, thanks to his extensive experience in creating online stores in different sectors.

For the creation of the new online store, work was done on one clear and functional structure, user-friendly and conversion-oriented. In addition, several were implemented functionalities specific to Magento web design, such as the advanced search system or integration with the online payment system.

Magento web design 1 Larcier Intersentia: Magento web design

What is Magento?

Magento is an open source e-commerce platform, which enables businesses to create and manage online stores efficiently and personalized. It is a popular tool because it offers many features and customization options, as well as a friendly user interface.

Why do we work with Magento?

They use Magento because it allows them to create custom online stores, tailored to their needs specific needs and requirements. This includes features such as product management, payment processing, shipping and customer management. It also offers advanced features such as content customization for customers, the integration of multiple stores and blog content management.

How have we applied Magento web design?

To get one attractive and welcoming online store, intensive work was done on the visual part, through the creation of a new visual identity that reflects the brand image of Larcier Intersentia. Likewise, different sections have been created which facilitate navigation and product research, such as specific categories for each legal area.

The result is a modern, functional and aesthetically appealing Magento online store that reflects the brand image of Larcier Intersentia. Also, the new online store has improved your conversion, with a increase in income from the first month after its launch.

Magento web design 2 Larcier Intersentia: Magento web design

Artic Agency continues to work with the aim of continuing to grow in an increasingly competitive and demanding market.

Why trust Artic Agency?

Artic Agency is a web design agency with a large experience in the sector. Its professionals are specialists in Magento web design, conversion and SEO and are up to date on the latest trends and technologies in the sector.

Its working methodology is personalized and focused on the needs of each client, with the aim of creating a website that reflects the brand image, is effective in conversion and has effective SEO optimization.

In addition, Artic Agency offers its clients a comprehensive web design service, which includes web page design, programming, content management and optimization for SEO, among other services. This means that clients can trust an agency that will take care of the entire web design process, from the technical aspects to the content management.

Finally, Artic Agency has a wide portfolio of satisfied customers who evaluate the quality of their services and yours ability to tackle complex projects and demanding This demonstrates their ability to offer effective results tailored to each client's needs.

For all these reasons, Artic Agency is one safe and reliable option for any company looking for a effective web design, conversion and SEO.

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