ApteOppositions: Web design and SEO positioning.

SEO positioning

At Artic Agency we had the opportunity to work on an exciting project of web design and SEO positioning for the company Apte Oposicions, one online academy specialized in the preparation of examinations.


The project has involved several tasks, such as the creation of a new web design for the company homepage, the creation of a new logo and the installation of a system of electronic commerce i SEO positioning.

This project has included the creation of a new web design for the home page of the company, the creation of a logo and the installation of one electronic commerce system for their customers. In addition, it has been worked on optimization of the page for the search engines (SEO) to improve the visibility of the company online. In this article, we will examine in detail the different phases of the project and how Artic Agency has approached each of them to provide a successful result for Apte Oposicions.

Next, we will examine the different ones phases of the project and how Artic Agency has addressed each of them.

Web designs and logos

First, web design has been an important part of the project. The goal was to create a home page attractive and easy to use to transmit the professionalism and seriousness of the company Artic Agency worked closely with Suitable for oppositions to understand your needs and requirements for the page, so design a website to adapt to theirs targets.

The new web design has been created with a modern and professional aesthetics, using soft colors to transmit an image calm and relaxed. Elegant and readable fonts have been used by improve the readability of the text. A clear structure has been created for the website, with a simple and intuitive navigation that helps users find what they are looking for.

The creation of a new logo and distinctive has also been an important part of the project. Artic Agency has used the company's ideas to design a logo that reflects theirs identity and values. The result was one modern and professional logo which fits perfectly with the image on the page.

We have also developed a online study system for the students of Apte Oppositions. This system allows students to access the study material, carry out examinations and assessments online to maintain an ongoing assessment and make a monitoring their academic progress.

This functionality has also been integrated into the website to provide students with a seamless and accessible browsing experience from any device with an internet connection. This has improved the quality of learning of Apte Oposicions students and has contributed to maintaining one continuing education and accessible online.

Installation of an electronic commerce system

The last phase of the project has been the installation of an electronic commerce system for the company Apte Oposicions. The function of the e-commerce system was to enable customers buy the courses and exam preparation material of the company

Artic Agency has selected one market-leading e-commerce platform for the Apte Oposicions page and has installed and configured the system for the sale of courses. The new e-commerce system provides a easy and safe way for customers of buy online courses, as well as managing their own accounts and payments.

macbook mockup of a young student taking notes a11559 ApteOppositions: Web design and SEO positioning.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In addition to web design and e-commerce system installation, Artic Agency has also worked on the optimization of the page for search engines (SEO). This phase of the project has been important in helping to increase traffic to the page and improve visibility from the company to the search engines.

For the SEO positioning, Artic Agency has made one analysis exhaustive of the keywords relevant to the company and has incorporated these keywords into the contents of the web page. It has also been worked on the optimization of metatags and other technical elements to improve visibility in search engines.


The project has been a success and has provided Apte Oposicions with a Web page with a modern and professional design, one brand image consistent, online study system for students and a system of reliable e-commerce and sure In addition, theSEO optimization has helped improve visibility from the company to the search engines and has increased traffic to the page.

In short, the web design project and SEO positioning for the company Apte Oposicions it has been a task exciting for the Artic Agency company. The results have been excellent and we keep working to continue taking to ApteOposicions al following levels of success.

If you want to know more about our strategies, stay tuned to our next publications at our blog 🤯

web design and SEO ApteOppositions: Web design and SEO positioning.

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