Take advantage of the Consulting Kit

Take another step into the digital world

They are a set of aids to lost fund from up to €24,000 directed to SMEs of more than 10 workers from any sector who want to boost their digital transformationKit Consulting is subsidized by the European Next Generation funds.

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Digital consulting solutions taking advantage of the Consulting Kit

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Artificial Intelligence Consulting

from €6,000

Our service has as its main objective to offer you a personalized artificial intelligence plan for your company. We will inform you about the necessary investment and the actions that will need to be taken to implement it. In addition, we will ensure that you acquire the knowledge in artificial intelligence techniques. We will also develop a practical case specifically designed for your company.

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Data Analysis Consulting (basic)

from €6,000

Our service has as its main objective to offer you a basic data analysis plan adapted to the needs of your company. We will inform you about the necessary investment and the actions that will need to be taken to implement it. In addition, we will ensure that you acquire the knowledge in processes for data extraction and analysis.

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Data Analysis Consulting (advanced)

from €6,000

If you already have a basic data analysis system, our service focuses on providing you with an advanced analysis plan adapted to the needs of your companyThis plan will identify the investment and measures necessary to establish an advanced data analysis system in your company, prioritizing the establishment, improvement, automation and training in processes for data extraction and analysis.

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Digital Sales Consulting

from €6,000

Our service has as its main objective to determine the necessary investment and digital marketing techniques, including the use of artificial intelligence technologies, to improve your online sales performance. In addition, we will implement a use case of these strategies in a practical way for the digital sales area of your company.

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Advice on Business Processes or Production Processes

from €6,000

Our service has as its main objective identify areas for improvement and optimization in business processes current processes of your company, as well as defining a personalized process improvement plan in key areas. This advisory service can be aimed at optimizing both business processes and production or manufacturing processes. In either case, use will be made of techniques related to artificial intelligence and the practical implementation of a use case adapted to your business will be included.

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Business Strategy and Performance Advisory Service

from €6,000

Our service has as its main objective to offer you a business strategy plan to improve the competitive positioning of your companyThis plan will detail the necessary investment and the right tools, leveraging artificial intelligence technologies to improve analytical capabilities. In addition, we will develop a tailored case study to identify needs and gaps, as well as opportunities to improve your performance and strategy relative to your competition.

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“360” Consulting in Digital Transformation

from €6,000

The main objective of this service is to advise on the digital transformation of your company, providing solutions adapted to your specific needs. The necessary investment and strategic measures to be applied in each area of impact will be defined, achieving an overall improvement. In addition, innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence, will be used to identify opportunities for improvement and optimize the digital transformation process.

Start digitizing

Don't miss out on your digital bonus. We offer you the best digital solutions with additional value propositions to the minimum requirements established by the Kit Consulting program.

Aid amounts according to categories

Digital solution
Between 10 and less than 50 employees
Maximum €12,000
Between 50 and less than 100 employees
Maximum €18,000
Between 100 and less than 250 employees
Maximum €24,000
Artificial Intelligence Advisory Service
Data Analysis Consulting Service (Basic)
Data Analysis Consulting Service (Advanced)
Digital Sales Advisory Service
Business Process or Production Process Advisory Service
Business Strategy and Performance Consulting Service
“360” Advisory Service in Digital Transformation